Thursday, July 19, 2012

How do you use your iPad?

Please take a quick second to answer this poll question. If you have other things you like to do, add them as a comment to the poll or the post.


  1. I loooooovvvvvvve my iPad. I primarily use it to browse the internet, however, I do read magazines on it, watch movies, listen to music and play games. I don't share it with my kids. :)

  2. It's not big or fast enough for me to do any real work on, but for consuming media, it's really good.

  3. With 5 of us in my family, someone is usually on the iPad before me. When I do get a chance, I browse, check my email, before it's ripped from my grasp.

  4. I call my iPad as my "computer lite." I mostly use it when I am looking for the portability of my computer without the need to lug my computer around. I have written papers while in the car, posted to Moodle at a Starbucks, and surfed the Internet from my couch.

  5. Thank you everyone for your comments.

  6. Work sometimes equals trolling the internet for cool sites to give my kids, so I voted work. --dm

  7. I am still getting used to the iPad but am enthusiastic about the potential of it as a mobile learning tool. I can see taking it along on a hike to identify birds, plants, etc. I do a lot of walking and the laptop gets heavy!
